Future plans for The Galleries
You may have heard on the news that plans have been revealed for the re-development of the Galleries. These plans are due to start in July 2024. We are not yet aware of any impact on the practice. Public consultation events are planned for next week:
Further information
Further information can be found on the project website: www.galleriesfuture.com
Please also go to the news section on the BID website.
Morning opening
Due to some changes to Boots opening times, the practice is unable to open for non scheduled events before 09:00 until further notice. A member of staff will be at the front entrance to support anyone with a pre-booked appointment prior to 9am during this time.
We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Admin Email Change
Please be aware that our mailbox is changing. For future correspondence, please use the email: bnssg.admin.bmc@nhs.net