Practice Aims
Practice Aims
- To provide the best possible health care for our patients
- To promote better physical and mental health by offering a planned programme of health promotion and preventative care. This is based on national and local guidelines and is aimed at those most at risk.
- To ensure that services are easily accessible, efficient and responsive to the needs of the patient.
- To maintain a pleasant, safe and efficient working environment for everyone working in the practice.
- To include all members of the team in decision-making by encouraging teamwork and good communication.
Please come and visit us to find out more. Our friendly reception team will be pleased to welcome you!
Patient's Rights and Responsibilities
As a patient you have the right to:
- be registered with a named doctor
- change doctor if desired (but please remember that you may have to see any of the doctors if your need is urgent)
- receive emergency care
- receive appropriate drugs and medicines
- be referred for specialist or second opinion if they and GP agrees
- see your medical records or a copy, subject to certain laws
- know that by law, everyone working for the NHS must keep the contents of your medical records private.
As a practice we have the right to expect that you are:
- courteous to staff at all times
- arrive for your appointment on time
- cancel your appointment with adequate notice